
Collect payments and donations

Create a form

Streamline your fundraising and sales processes.

Set up subscriptions, allow custom amounts or limit payments options.

You can do it all with Formli. Use our recurring payments feature to let your user subscribe to your services or create simple and intuitive donation forms.

Your money’s safe with us.

We use Stripe to secure and process your payments.

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Send customized receipts.

Use our powerful email builder to create customized receipts and invoices. Add links to your payment forms or advertise your next product, the only limit is your imagination!

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Easily manage payments.

Our payment response view lets you manage and organize your payments in just a view clicks.

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Organize your projects and teams.

Workspaces and teams

Create as many workspaces as you need to organize your campaigns, fundraising events and teams.

Folders and organization

Organize your forms in folders and create custom response view to manage your data.

Integrate your favorite tools.

Formli connects to over 3,000 apps and tools.

Join the future of forms

Free forever - No credit card required